How Often Should You Backwash Your Pool?

beautifully maintained pool

The question “How often should you backwash your pool” is often on every pool owner’s mind. You have to do a backwash if you want to clean your pool and ensure your filtration runs efficiently. This article will teach you what backwashing is, how to do it, and how often to do it.

Proper maintenance on a pool is key to ensuring the pool will last and you can avoid remodeling your pool. You will want to clear cloudy pool water before and after the process of backwashing your pool.

What Is Backwashing?

Backwashing is a filter cleaning process through your filter system that reverses the flow of water. Pool filters allow the removal of organic material by directing the water into a porous medium such as sand. But, even as they take clean water back to the pool, there’ll be a build-up of much larger particles in the filter over time.

The build-up of unwanted particles often results in increased pressure on the filter reducing its efficiency – it can lead to damage. Backwashing a pool dislodges any contaminants and debris and pushes them out into a hose via the pool pump or the waste line. If you’d like to drain an above-ground pool, talk to an expert on how to do it.

How Often You Should Backwash A Pool

One of the most frequently asked questions regarding pool maintenance is, “How often should you backwash a pool.” Figuring out when to backwash the pool and how often to do it depends on the type of filtration system you use and how often you use your pool. Additionally, you will need to rely on a backwash pool expert more often if trees and shrubs surround your pool.

The next question most pool owners will ask is, “How long do you backwash a pool for.” The amount of time it takes to backwash your pool will depend on the amount of debris or dirt in the filter system.

Your maintenance schedule will guide you on how often to backwash a pool, but ideally, you should do it once each week. If you’re wondering how often to backwash pool filters, you should look out for the industry standard.

Typically, you should backwash a pool if the pressure gauge on your filter is at 8-10PSI at the starting level. So, to answer the question of how often should you backwash your pool, check your PSI. If the filter runs well at 16PSI and then goes up to 25PSI, your pool needs a backwash.

“How often should I backwash my sand filter”? Ensure you do it if there’s an algae outbreak or after a significant storm. A DE( diatomaceous earth)filter system needs cleaning six or more times each year. If you have a sand filter, backwash it every month and tear it down twice every year.

When Not To Backwash

As much as backwashing is vital to emptying clogged filters, there are times when it isn’t necessary.

For instance, live algae can pass easily through your filter system and get back into your pool. If you have an algae problem, don’t backwash; instead, vacuum directly to waste. When your pool has a lot of dirt and debris, don’t pour baking powder into it. Ensure to vacuum the water straight down the drain.

How To Backwash A Pool Filter

The question “How often should you backwash your pool” is best answered by an expert. Ideally, it would be best to leave backwashing to a professional since they have experience handling the task. Also, they can advise you on whether or not to install a waterfall in your pool.

However, if you have to do it yourself, here’s how to do it:

  1. First, ensure the filtration system and the pump is shut.
  2. Next, you have to clamp the hose used for backwash to your outlet.
  3. Confirm that the handle locks are in place and set the filter to “Backwash.”
  4. Wait until the water is clear.
  5. Stop the backwashing by turning off the pump.
  6. Again ensure the filter handle locks are in place and set the valve to “rinse.”
  7. Allow the water to clear for a minute.
  8. Turn the pump off.
  9. Shut the skimmer valve to ensure water can’t get into the filter from the pool.
  10. Wash the hair catcher and the skimmer basket, then put them back in place.
  11. Set the skimmer values and then turn the filter valve to “filter.” Lock the handles then turn the pump on.

Follow the steps below if you want to backwash a DE filter:

  1. Switch off the filtration system and pump.
  2. Set the filter to “backwash” and keep the handle locks in place. Switch on the pump.
  3. Ensure the water turns clear on the filter view glass.
  4. Change to rinse and then backwash a few times. This removes the DE. Ensure the pump is off while alternating values
  5. Discard the DE into the trash.
  6. With the pump off, pull the filter apart, or disassemble it.
  7. Drain the filter after opening the release valve.

Essential Backwashing Tips

  • Always turn the pump off when you reset the filter valve or when you run a backwash. If left on, it is likely to cause permanent damage to your system, which is costly to replace.
  • Reduce water loss by keeping a lookout on the color of the water. Stop it immediately after it clears.
  • Top up the sand in your filter after a backwash since the process will wash out a lot of it. Run the rinse setting while you top up the sand to ensure it doesn’t go back to the pool.
  • Lubricate the backwash valve often.
  • As you reassemble the filter system, ensure that you take note of all the parts. If you forget some, the filter may leak.
